If you’ve spent any amount of time in Malaysia or Singapore, you’ve probably encountered this strange word, “lah.” This word is not just stuck at the end of Malay sentence though, people from Malaysia and Singapore will incorporate “lah” into many English sentence as well! This strange word gives so many people trouble, both in trying to understand it and explain it.
One of the best descriptions I’ve ever heard for the word “lah” is that it helps to soften the blow of a sentence. You’ll usually find the word “lah” at the end of a sentence that might upset the listener, either from giving them bad news or being irritated or overly insistent with them.
The above definition is still not entirely accurate though, since you can basically get away with using “lah” in any context as long as you have the right tone. I’ve often heard it said that being able to use “lah” properly is a sign that you’re a true Malaysian/Singaporean.
The video below gives some great examples of uses.
The video below gives some great examples of uses.
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